顔 冬虹 / Yan Donghong
ガン トウコウ

Lacquer Bamboo Slip 漆・簡
Techniques: kawari-nuri
Materials: Bamboo,lacquer,glass
技法: 変り塗り技法
素材: 竹、漆、ガラス
ø20*700mm (each tube)
variable size

The bamboo slip samples presented in a modern form.Every slip was made by kawari-nuri tachnique and soaked in the solution in test tube,thus forming a long passage of lacquer calligraphy,which also like a specimen. In a contemporary era where lacquer is no longer a part of people's lives, how lacquer art should not be reduced to an unrecognised 'cultural specimen' .

Nest-1 巣-1
Techniques: Wicker basketry
Materials: Chocolate Vine,Vitis coignetiae Vine,Bark of gingko

Referring to the way weaver birds build their nests, I built my own nest with the idea that I am the bird. The work was completed and exhibited at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Japan before being placed in the forest. The work was originally made from vines and bark collected from the forest, but after exhibition it was returned to the forest as a work of art. Weeds grow inside the work and the surface is washed away by rain and snow, gradually harmonising with its surroundings. The intention is to show that the energy of things is constantly reincarnating.
機織鳥の巣の築き方を参考にし、自分が鳥になることを想定して自分の巣を作った。作品は完成し、日本の21世紀美術館で展示された後、森に配置された。 もともと森から採取した蔓や樹皮で作られた作品が、展示後に森に還った。作品の内部には雑草が生え、表面は雨や雪に流されて、徐々に周囲と調和していく。 物事のエネルギーは常に輪廻転生を繰り返していることを示す意図である。


Seed 種
Techniques: kansitsu,kawari-nuri
Materials: urusi,linen,tonoko powder

Paramecium 草履虫
Techniques: kansitsu,kawari-nuri
Materials: urusi,linen,tonoko powder

Pollen 花粉
Techniques: kansitsu,kawari-nuri
Materials: urusi,linen,tonoko powder

Nest-2 巣ー2
Techniques: kansitsu,kawari-nuri,wicker basketry
Materials: urusi,linen,tonoko powder,vine
I created a series of lacquer sculptures on the theme of the origins of life. Seeds, single-celled organisms, pollen, insect nests - seemingly minute objects but the source of energy. Understanding where we came from in the first place may help us to better understand who we are now. In the process of creating this work, I have researched new forms of kawari-nuri techniques to express the colours and textures of various natural objects, and have also explored the use of composite materials in lacquer art.
私は生命の起源をテーマに漆の彫刻シリーズを制作した。 種や単細胞生物、花粉、昆虫の巣など、一見微細な物がエネルギーの源なのである。そもそも私たちがどこから来たのかを理解することで、今の自分をより理解することができるのかもしれない。 この作品を制作する過程で、さまざまな自然物の色や質感を表現するために、新しい変り塗り技法を研究し、漆芸における複合素材の使用も探求してきた。

IQ light IQ ライト
IQ light is a Scandinavian Danish lighting shade designed in 1972, which combines and designs modules. Instead of plastic, the modules were made from materials used in lacquer art, such as linen and lacquer. It explores the fusion of lacquer art and interior design.
IQ lightは、1972年にデザインされた、モジュールを組み合わせ、デザインする北欧デンマークの照明セード。プラスチックの代わりに、麻布や漆など、漆芸に使う素材を用いモジュールを作ることで、漆芸とインテリアデザインの融合を探求する。

Bracelet バングル
The kansitsu and kawari-nuri techniques of lacquer art are used in jewellery design.

Dental floss case デンタルフロスのケース
I made actually usable cocoon-shaped dental floss case by the kansitsu technique. The disposable daily necessities are transformed into works of art that have an appreciating quality. On the other hand, art objects are also used by people like familiar commodities. By doing so, I try to erase the boundaries between art and design.

Tea can 茶入れ
The 'remaining snow' series of tea cans is inspired by scenes of snow piling up on rocks.The body of the tea can was made by taking the shape of a real stone through ceramics. The outer surface of the teapot is decorated with kawari-nuri technique to express the texture of the rock. As there is no pure white colour in the world of lacquer, the white of the ceramics was used to create the snow-shaped lid.In doing so, I explore the application of composite materials in lacquer art, while also looking for a balance between design and art.
art - lacquer - design
Using lacquer as the 'adhesive', I explore the communication between lacquer and art, the fusion of lacquer and design, and the connection between art and design through lacquer. In doing so, I try to create innovative works.