顔 冬虹 / Yan Donghong
ガン トウコウ

Today, there is a detailed division of labour, but there is also fusion and collaboration between different disciplines. The boundaries between art and design are gradually blurring.
I believe that crafts, with their natural beauty and human wisdom , are the link between nature and man, art and design.
In this age of high-speed development, carefully crafted works of art heal people's hearts. I practise the interaction of art and design through lacquer crafts as a project.
1989 Born in China
2007~2011 B.F.A. Decorative Arts and Design, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, China
2020~2022 M.F.A. Department of Art and Crafts, Kanazawa College of Art, Japan
2022~ Lacquer Art Department, Utatsuyama Craft Workshop, Kanazawa, Japan
1989 中国生まれ
2007~2011 中国天津美術学院
2020~2022 日本金沢美術工芸大学
2022~ 日本金沢卯辰山工芸工房
装飾芸術デザイン科 卒業
美術工芸研究科 修士課程修了
漆芸科 入所
e-mail: yandonghong1989@yahoo.co.jp